Already for four years, Arenal is pround to be a member of the Dutch Technical Team for Tailing Dams (DTTD). The DTTD is a public-private group of specialized companies offering products and services to the tailing dam owners and operators in Brazil.
Especially for this team and for the end users, Arenal developed, together with Royal Eijkelkamp and Cohere an important new measurement technology to get by far more insight about the status, safety and development of tailing dams. This technology can be used in conventional as well as in dry stack TSF's.
Our team is involved with the largest Brazilian mining company for testing
in the next months.
Get to know our companies on our new website: https://dttd.com.br
If you have questions about the moisture content in your TSF or how to protect a dry stack to stay dry, contact our team anytime!